2020. 2. 19. 16:41ㆍ카테고리 없음
Bugra Ayan Program Akraba Bulma 2017
The Bulma icon container comes in 4 sizes. It should always be slightly bigger than the icon it contains. For example, Font Awesome 5 icons use a font-size of 1em by default (since it inherits the font size), but provides.Container classContainer sizeFont Awesome 5 classIcon sizeResulticon is-small1rem x 1remfas1emicon1.5rem x 1.5remfas1emfas fa-lg1.33emicon is-medium2rem x 2remfas1emfas fa-lg1.33emfas fa-2x2emicon is-large3rem x 3remfas1emfas fa-lg1.33emfas fa-2x2emfas fa-3x3emFont Awesome variations. Font Awesome also provides modifier classes for:.fixed width icons.bordered icons.animated icons.rotated & flipped icons.stacked iconsTypeFont Awesome classResultFixed widthfas fa-fwBorderedfas fa-borderAnimatedfas fa-spinner fa-pulseRotated & flippedfas fa-shield-altfas fa-shield-alt data-fa-transform='rotate-90'fas fa-shield-alt data-fa-transform='rotate-180'fas fa-shield-alt data-fa-transform='rotate-270'fas fa-shield-alt data-fa-transform='flip-h'fas fa-shield-alt data-fa-transform='flip-v'Stacked Material Design Icons.